Here are other projects in which I have taken part of.

Twitter: una comunicación no muy distinta a los medios tradicionales en cuanto a crimen y violencia (Spanish)

Mitos y verdades sobre la migración (Spanish)

Lo que nos preocupa y nos ocupa de la migración (Spanish)

De la migración conocemos muy poco (Spanish)

¿Es la época del éxodo con tanta migración? (Spanish)

La migración: no todo es perfecto (Spanish)

¡Más migración, por favor! (Spanish)

¿Qué te motiva a migrar? ¿Y qué te detiene? (Spanish)

Migración: la historia de nunca acabar (Spanish)

¿Legalizar para pacificar? (Spanish)

¡Por favor, no compres un automóvil eléctrico! (Spanish)

Medellín: leaving Pablo Escobar behind (Spanish)

The day science was defeated by populism (Spanish)

We all talk about the elections (Spanish)

The worst proposals in terms of security in Mexico (Spanish)

Myths and realities about decentralization (Spanish)

Measuring crime the wrong way (Spanish)

Is the public transport in Mexico City abandoned? (Spanish)

One year with the new speed limits (Spanish)

They have lost Mexico City (Spanish)

Our roads are deadlier than crime (Spanish)

Perception of security – interview with Police Professional

The failure of the emergency number 066 and the new 911 (Spanish)

The 13 million on the border (Spanish)

Damn traffic… and now, with speed limits (Spanish)

Statistics and simulation techniques for a better understanding of the emergency calls (Spanish)

Podcast with Mendel’s Finches

Inspire me, UCL

LMS Newsletter

7 Questions, UCL