Goodbye, Chalkdust!

Everything has to come to an end. Today is officially my last day as part of the Chalkdust team.

Starting Chalkdust was certainly a big challenge, from those old copies of Laberintos e Infinitos which I brought from Mexico to the more formal magazine which is now. So far we have published more than 300 articles from nearly 100 authors; we have printed nearly 20,000 copies of our issues, which is more than 3,000 kilos of paper (enough to cover 7 football fields!) and we have received nearly 300,000 visitors to our website. This is the result of a fabulous team of volunteers, willing to contribute a bit of their time and give it to create a magazine for the mathematically curious.

I am convinced that a maths magazine goes beyond posting interesting maths articles or fascinating puns and should contribute, even in a tiny part, to make our community better. Therefore, I feel very proud that the youngest authors of Chalkdust were only teenagers when their article was published. Also, in the newest issue of Chalkdust, exactly half of the authors were women. In addition, Chalkdust inaugurated October as Black Mathematician Month, a celebration of the diversity in our field. Posting interesting articles in the magazine is the vehicle to contribute forming a better community, to encourage people to write about maths but also, to form a collaborative team of colleagues and friends willing to work together for a common end.

In order to keep the ball rolling, new generations have to come to the project, imprint their ideas and vision in the magazine and experience the thrill we get every time we receive the magazines from the printers or the excitement we get when we receive an article from one of our readers or even the laughs of spotting a typo in the printed copies. It is now the time to let others experience this magic. I am convinced that as long as new generations feel motivated to take the lead on the project, we will have Chalkdust for years.

It was an honour for me to be part of this team and I will remain as an avid reader of its articles and an enthusiast for its contents and beautiful projects!

Thank you all for your help through this past three years. Every contribution and comment you made, helped us forge the project into the magazine it is now.


  1. Hermoso… y un muy buen legado al campo de las matemáticas que espero continúe por muchas generaciones tan entusiastas, como la que te secundó a iniciar el proyecto.
    Con esta revista lograste poner tu ingenio para que las matemáticas se conviertan en algo más fácil de entender y hasta divertidas. Y creaste una ventana para que chicos talentosos sigan reinventando la forma de entender los números.
    Felicidades y otra palomita !!

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